Skullspike Keeper
Skullspike Keeper will be featured in the first launch of our special edition. It'll include Dheeraj Verma's short story from 2001, and works from other creators.

Eye of The Keeper One Shot / Ashcan
The character designs are nearing completion. Interviewing artists and viewing portfolios. Production is in progress. Skullspike Keeper looks awesome! Head over to tiktok for the latest art.

Eye of The Keeper Ashcan Update + Entire Series
The Ashcan is an amazing piece of work. The new stories, and Dheeraj Verma's 2001 pencils are what make it so good. As for the entire EOTK series? The writing is done. Any further edits (if necessary) will happen during the art process, and before printing of each issue. That is how it's done. Bring it!

Eye of The Keeper Ashcan Update
It's in production, slowly but surely. Behind the scenes a lot goes on, including all sorts of challenges. We're building momentum and getting things done.

Final Edits In Progress For Eye Of The Keeper
The final pass in the editing process is done on printouts. These are corrections and minor rewrites, along with new dialogue and captions as needed. Plus the Ashcan has new prequel stories.

Eye of The Keeper Limited Ashcan Edition 2023
Pre Orders are open. Eye of The Keeper Limited Edition Ashcan Comic Book Is A Tribute To The Late Dheeraj Verma, and a prelude to Issue #1. It also features the poiganant works of Ariel Iacci, Kiro, and more.

Thank you for attending MCX2022!
Thank you to everyone for attending our table at Mississauga Comic Expo. It was great meeting you! :-) There's more to come with Eye of The Keeper, and Grain. If you'd like to follow our progress, subscribe @ www.BamZap.com. Some incredible content is on the way...

I'll be at MCX 2022
Hey Folks! That's the Mississauga Comic Expo at The Living Arts Centre on Sunday October 16th from 10am-4pm. There will be an exclusive set of very limited prints for Eye of The Keeper, only available that day. Come on by for loads of comic book goodness. Sun Oct 16, 10am-4pm, Free Admission. Address: Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. Free Underground Parking, Or park at Square One shopping mall and walk over.

Script of The Keeper
In the deep editing and rewrite phase. Adding some special touches to the visuals. Laying all the groundwork for this event storyline.

Life of The Keeper
The Keeper's Skullblades crackle in anticipation of a completion date. It's coming together at turtle speed.

Eye of The Keeper
This story has been in the works for close to 30 years. It's evolved into something with its own identity. Let's see how this plays out.

Grain Issue #1 launches Sep 3rd, 2019
Hey folks! Grain Issue #1 launches Sep 3rd, 2019 on Kickstarter.com. It's about a sand child and his trusty bubble dealing with the aftermath of war. Please check it out. There will be some very cool exclusive rewards available until Oct 3rd.

GRAIN Issue #1
Hey Everyone, my new children's fantasy comic book, GRAIN, is in the works. This is a special project with something people of all ages can enjoy. Head on over to my Instagram for future updates.

Anime North May 25-27, 2018 (Booth 769-771)
Hey All, I'll be at Anime North launching a bunch of new manga characters and stories. If you're planning to come by, I'll have some Eye of The Keeper stuff there as well. Cheers!

Grain & Eye of The Keeper
Quick update: I have a new kids comic book in production. Will announce a release date once it's done. Eye of The Keeper is being edited. Once the script is ready, comic book production will begin. It's been a long journey, but it's going to happen.

Social Media Links
My Facebook group is up and running. A place for creators and fans to post their works, promotions and/or start discussions.

New Blog and Progress!
Hey Keepers, A couple of sweet updates: 1) I've launched a new blog. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Anything related to Eye of The Keeper will be posted there, as well as my thoughts on various topics. 2) This website will be gone next year. Yep, it's time to put it to rest. Time for something fresh and new that reflects where my content is headed. Progress is steady with the writing, so any questions and comments can be sent to my blog. Have an awesome time with what's remaining in 2014 and see you in the new year! Cheers, Mark Verma Creator/Writer Eye of The Keeper

Eye of The Keeper - Definitive Edition (Update)
I'm half way through writing Eye of The Keeper graphic novel. A new website will be launched mid 2015. In the meantime, please feel free to follow my twitter page at the link below. Great things are coming!

Eye of The Keeper - REBOOT
Eye of The Keeper is going through a fantastic re-imagining for mainstream audiences. This will be the definitive series. Stay tuned!

Eye of The Keeper on iPhone / iTunes!!!
Issues 1-7 are now available on iTunes for your iPhone. Only 99cents per issue. Click the link for issue #1, a free download, and enjoy the series anywhere you go.

Happy New Year Visionaries!!! 2008 is the year of THE EYE. "Whether you’re asleep, or if you’re awake with both eyes closed, you will always have one eye open". Last year brought us the power of a digital domain with our comics available online, and this New Year we’re looking forward to expanding our awareness to cosmic levels. Prepare to meet our gaze once again as we defy the power of red eye reduction. A huge thanks to all our supporters for which this dream project would not be possible. Peace and love.

DOWNLOAD Eye of The Keeper Now!!!
EYE OF THE KEEPER has gone completely DIGITAL!!! YES, it's true, now ANYONE can download the graphic novel as a whole or in separate parts. We recommend downloading the 12 issue package for starters. You'll need to register first, which is a breeze and may take you about 10 seconds or so. Please click the link below and ENJOY!

Hey Visionaries, just letting you know that the site is going through some live upgrades the next little while. We're implementing some cool stuff that you'll be seeing in the near future. So stay tuned, and thanks for your patience!

LUCKY NUMBER 2007!!!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! Thanks so much to our fans, friends, and family for supporting Eye of The Keeper. This year we'll reveal some exciting surprises. Stay tuned to this visionary channel. We'd like to wish you all the best in 2007!

Merry Christmas!!!
From everyone here at Mind Wave Entertainment, we'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with laughter, joy, peace, and prosperity.

Holiday Email Orders on our PRINTS get 50% off!
That's right! If you order from now until January 1st by sending us an email request, we will reduce the price of our PRINTS by 50%. All prints will be signed by Creator/Writer Mark Verma. Regular shipping and handling applies. Quantities are limited while supplies last. Send requests to orders@eyeofthekeeper.com. Happy Holidays!!!

Gothic undertones, inner demons, violence and madness. The mind of Charles Caustin Calloway is corrupt. The Crying City casts a shadow of never ending tears. Dark retribution descends from the sky. Murder and blame fall upon The Keeper...Enter a world of controlled anarchy, where revenge is the unfortunate path towards eternity, where power lacks conviction, where truth is denied by mere perception alone. A cerebral war is being waged…Victories become a casualty of the inner psyche…The consequence of absolute power is redefined by The Eye, a window to a soul without a body.

From all of us here at Mind Wave Entertainment, we'd like to wish you a happy, frightful, over candied, teeth rotting, party hardy Halloween!

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